Friday, October 08, 2004

Anchors Away

According to those who were present, there was this party coming from somewhere in the Transvaal*. No one seemed to know them, but for this vacation they decided to show up in Stilbaai.

Full of bravado, and not very sensitive to the feelings of the locals, the leader of the pack had something to show. He continuously paraded up and down the few streets with his enormous boat and the best equipment money could buy.

Now the old-timers had to compete against this baboon with a reel. Soon he was following the local fishing boats to the best fishing spots. Once there, the newcomers would turn up the music and proceeded to have a jolly good time - rapidly upsetting everyone else’s sense of respectability and often chasing the fish away.

Then one fine day the fish was running strong just outside the harbor. Since the swell was quite formidable, most folks decided to wait it out rather than risk their boats. The new troupe had other ideas though, and dropped their anchor in a strategic spot.

By now a whole crowd had congregated on the harbor wall. After the visitors caught more fish than they could possibly handle, they finally decided to call it quits. However, it soon became apparent that their anchor was stuck. The easy solution was to cut the line and lose the anchor, but ostensibly this was too much to bear. So a mighty struggle ensued.

After an hour or so, the owner of the boat became desperate enough to consider the unconventional. Between swells, he wound the line to the anchor around a rope hook, as tight as he could, apparently expecting the buoyancy of the boat to pull them loose.

That is where it all ended. A few seconds later the crew came into sight, swimming for their lives. Unfortunately all survived.

On a positive note – they packed up and were never seen again.


* The Transvaal was established in 1910 as one of the provinces of South Africa. In 1994 it ceased to exist as its territory was split up between the provinces of Gauteng, North West, Limpopo and Mpumalanga.

Jan Tik
Source: Dawid Kruger Jr.

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